Ideas for Celebrating International Day of Happiness

Funky Chunky

There’s a whole lot to celebrate in March. Saint Patrick’s Day. The spring solstice/equinox (March 19, for the almanac lovers out there). Oh yes – and International Day of Happiness on March 20. 

You can start out by indulging in something special dipped in chocolate or salty caramel to create memories of a new, positive food experience.

What Is the International Day of Happiness?

National Today has some helpful information about the origin of this day and who celebrates it: “We celebrate International Day of Happiness thanks to the work done by the United Nations and its partner nonprofit group Action for Happiness, which is composed of people from 160 countries. The ultimate goal of the movement is to spread awareness that progress is not only about increasing bottom lines and encouraging economic growth, but well-being and human happiness as well. In 2011, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that made it a ‘fundamental human goal’ to give happiness as much priority as economic opportunity.” 

How Can You Celebrate This Little Known Holiday?

First things first: there’s no one way to celebrate this day, and you don’t need to celebrate it at all to feel the way you want to feel. 

However, if you’re curious about ideas, one happiness psychology guru offers some simple suggestions for anyone out there looking for tips for recognizing this little-known holiday and bringing a little extra cheer into their life. Here are five ways to do just that:

  1. Purchase a small gift for someone. Believe it or not, giving something (within your means, of course) as a small gesture is one of the easiest ways to bring joy into someone else’s life, as well as your own! A small gourmet treat from Funky Chunky is sure to put a smile on the face of the snack lover in your life.
  2. List some things that are going well in life, no matter how small. This doesn’t mean everything is perfect, but it’s a chance to acknowledge those smaller moments that give us pleasure. 
  3. Spend time with someone you care about. If you can’t see this person, check in with them to say hello. 
  4. Accomplish a small goal you’ve been putting off. You don’t have to finish that novel you just started. Choose something simple that can be done in an afternoon.
  5. Name a few things for which you are grateful. Some people even make a habit of “practicing gratitude” every day. Like with the list of things going well, they don’t have to be big or important. A sunny day or a gourmet chocolate-covered pretzel is more than enough to make the list.

Organize a Get Together with People You Care About

A few of those tips above can be accomplished all at one by organizing a low-key get together with friends or family. Perhaps you can generate some of those lists as a group. The great thing about this day is there is no pressure! No need to dress up or exchange gifts. Just plan to hang out with a few folks you don’t see too often, and include a spread of tasty snacks that anyone can enjoy.

Funky Chunky is a Minnesota-based provider of a wide range of gourmet popcorn and pretzel snack food items – all of which can bring happiness into the lives of others, as well as your own! 

Happiest Idea Yet: Partner with a Local Provider of High-Quality Gourmet Snack Products

Whether for your next shindig or for stocking your snack shelf at home, that can include the usual happy combos of butter, cheese and caramel popcorn. But don’t overlook other Funky Chunky flavors and mixes that will knock your and their socks off. We’re talking about unique snacks that combine popcorn with peanut butter cups, salty caramel, and dark chocolate mocha. Even birthday cake popcorn. Yes, we have that, too.

Contact us today for assistance locating products or help getting them delivered wherever you want them to go!

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