Dress Up Your Seasonal Event with Gourmet Snacks

Joe Malicdem

The months of October through December have the highest concentration of seasonal events and activities of the year, and smart business leaders take advantage of this fact. It’s the time of year to dress up your events, using different seasonal colors to make a statement or show off important themes in your latest campaigns. There are many ways that organizations can create a seasonal flair at their autumn event - by providing high-quality snack food that everyone will enjoy. 

It has been said that we eat with our eyes. This is especially true when folks are at a professional event. A well-planned seasonal spread can encourage people to build new bonds and create new working relationships. But if the finger food does not look appetizing, folks are less likely to stay and enjoy themselves. If you are planning a professional event in the coming weeks or months, it is important to use food to your advantage and make sure snacks and drinks are presented in an attractive way, as well. Here are some tips for presenting food at your next fall event.

Incorporate Bright, Autumnal Colors in Your Fall Campaigns & Events

During the autumn season, many people look to nature for inspiration. This can be seen in the way that leaves change color, even the way they fall to the ground and the world seems to go from a bright blue to a darker hue. Marketers and event planners can use similar colors and images to indicate the moods and messages they want to send. 

There are many ways to accomplish this, and the details will depend on the type of event you are having. If you are hosting a company party, make sure to include some comforting gourmet flavors with your seasonal decor. For example, you can use green to indicate that it is the foliage season, pumpkin to correlate with October, and red to signal the holiday season is near. If you are having a Halloween themed event, then you might want to incorporate some spooky colors like black and orange - and add a little chocolatey flavor to the mix.

Focus on Presentations of Snacks and Edible Items 

It is always important to make a good impression at professional events. One way to do this is to dress professionally. Another way is to be mindful of how you present your food and beverages. The way that food is presented at a professional event can be extremely important in terms of making a good impression on those who attend.

When planning a professional event, the quality of edible products will affect your presentation. Therefore, don’t just order cheap hors d'oeuvres and be done with it, but make sure you dress up your event with gourmet sweet-and-salty snack food that everyone will enjoy. The way finger food appears visually can make a big difference in the way guests perceive the overall event. There are many ways to make food look more appealing and professional:

  1. Start by ordering delicious sweet and salty snacks. 
  2. Next, add some fresh, colorful details
  3. Arrange food presentations in an appealing way
  4. Distribute evenly throughout the event space
  5. Surround with appropriate serving utensils and seasonal arrangements

Use Cost-Effective Gourmet Snacks 

At Funky Chunky, we understand that entertaining can be as stressful as it is lucrative this time of year. We also get that our clients have a lot on their plates right now, and sometimes providing something to eat can be more complicated than it sounds. That’s why we take great care by helping clients select the right products for their occasions, from a show of thanks this November to holiday gifts and bonuses in December. When you reach out to prospective clients and colleagues, a thoughtful gift will create positive associations with your brand and help keep your organization on their radar in the months to come.

At Funky Chunky, our team of experts can walk you through every step of the ordering process for your next seasonal event. There’s a reason we have so many repeat customers. We will ensure you have the right amount of small-batch snack food at your next event and that your order arrives wherever it needs to go according to your timeline. Contact us today and we’ll help you get started.

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